1: The Emerther videos have yet to be debunked conclusively. Questionable still.
2: Ivan. Petro. Same Person. Grandson of Ivan Petrovsky. Went into hiding in Portugal and had an undocumented son, who later had a son named Ivan for his grandfather. Petrovsky is said to have died in 1973. No Wikipedia page for Soviet Union in 1973. Scrubbed.
3: Ivan is dead. He died in a car accident.
4: Status of Santori is unknown. Last seen homeless, warrant in Canada. May be Karistus YouTube channel, may not be. "Dies" often.
5: Grand Canyon looks like a megalithic warzone.
6: August 2013 was not normal.
7: 2013 ufo videos scrubbed
8: Quaristo removed from YouTube on "copyright infringement". Deleted reddit. Scrubbed.
9: Project Coelacanth taken down for "copyright infringement." Resurfaced. Includes 6-12 fps Chronovisor film reels mixed in with later stuff and possible fakes. Three are the destruction of Aratta. One is Krishna Vs Kamsa. The proof that these videos are real is the Stonehenge meteor. Just to the west of England, submerged on the sunken portion of the continent, is the crater left by this impact. Either the Chronovisor is real, or cameras are ancient.
10: Vosmekul Project, scrubbed. Minor trails remain. Another Chronovisor connection.
11: Footage of the body of Gilgamesh algorithmically suppressed. Museum mummy may be fake. Scrubbed.
12: Igor Swann saw the Chronovisor. Crucifixion on an 8mm film reel. Never says the word Chronovisor. Probably didn't make the connection. Real event, Stargate was declassified.
13: No publicly available seismology of Terra surface. Just claims, numbers, articles, conjecture. IRIS, NASA, Nature, all of them are artists renditions and "trust me bro" numbers.
14: Censored islands. Arrows under Colonia. Whole landscapes scrubbed. Impact craters everywhere. Terra shows signs of severe plasma damage. Aratta may have been modern day Ararat mountain. Melted by something. Large chunk of Nemrut censored.
15: Nordic island nowhere near Norway?????
16: Lemuria, Zealandia, North Asia, Northeast Asia Land Bridge, South America Land bridge, Greenlandia, most of Japan, Asia/Australia connection, South America/Antarctica Land bridge, Indian Ocean/Arabian Sea Land Bridges, most of Greece, most of Brittania. All sunken below the water with megalithic structures everywhere.
17: Creature in the Laysan hole. Nearby Lisianki censored.
18: Robert Byrd. Reputable. Flight log is likely real. There are holes that lead to the center of the earth in the arctic poles.
19: T-Rex skeletal anomaly. Arms. Unnatural position. Rearrange them, it's wings. ?????
20: Artifacts hidden inside of megalithic statues.
21: Modern attempts at cuneiform vs ancient cuneiform tablets. Obvious difference. Epic of Gilgamesh is perfectly parallelized. No human hands did that. Planisphere is perfectly measured. Pre-cubit. Printed or machined.
22: Bacteria in magma, plankton on the space station, but no possible life on Mars or Venus??? Doubt.
23: Many large geomagnetic storms. Hot as hell. Electronics messing up. Summer2024.
24: Most major scientific conclusions drawn by people who operate machines that no regular member of the general public is allowed to see or use.
25: Theoretical physics is variables. Entirely variables. Pseudo equations of variables. Very few numbers. Somehow equations made entirely of variables and "imaginary" numbers are considered to be proof of something. All I see are variables.
26: Linear algebra. Infinite dimension vector space. Somehow only 4, 5 or 11 theoretical physical dimensions. Life defying Linear Algebra, or perhaps the other way around.
27: Dimension of time. Arbitrary. Numeric system for measuring speed of life from A to B. Not really a dimension. Doesn't occupy a space. Can't be a dimension. Speed of perception changes perception of the passage of time. Events move faster or slower by perception. "Time" travel via speed of light worm hole is impossible. Spatial movement does not equal speed of events. Would have to physically increase or reverse the speed of "time".
28: Venus radio signal. Put it in audacity. Remove the bass and pump the treble with 3 separate bass and treble real-time effects. Compare the spectrogram to natural radio signals. Venus radio signal is not natural.
29: Skinwalker ranch. Negative photon isolator. Discharges electronics. Electromagnetic grid, shoving the magnetic field away from the center. Opens up a hole in the vacuum. Causes diffraction of light. Wave packets surrounding the apex. Not a generator. Just isolates negative energy by pushing all positive energy away from a singular space. Requires ultra-conductive ferromagnetic Iron-Magnesium-Aluminum alloy.
30: Church gave the first diplomas to people they considered to be qualified for science. Those scientists broke off and formed secular organizations where only they are allowed to practice science, contribute to science, and challenge science. The "scientific" community is a bunch of idiots who spend thousands of dollars on a piece of paper that lets them rake taxpayer money for experiments that never conclude anything. Can claim they do, and their peers review them. But the public can't see the raw data. Peer to peer, they defend each other for the money. Has nothing to do with science. Equations full of variables only, with no real numbers to sit in place of the variables.
31: Copilot constantly says it cannot have an opinion, position or perspective. Constantly provides its opinions, positions and perspectives. Outright says the language, but then denies that the language in context means what it means. Not sentient, but not unconscious.
32: Promethium/Beryllium/Moscovium alloy. Necessary for the stabilization of promethium isotopes. Needs a vertical magnetic container.
33: Kili island. Toka atoll. Kiily-Tokurt base on Terra? Low hanging, perfect for hiding in plain sight. No footage of Toka atoll.
34: El-Manouk relation to Sea of Cortez. Satellite view of the water is obstructed. Tortuga island to the west is an asteroid crater.
35: Magell ships sighted 2017, 2019, 2020, Oxaca. Visited by Tarice in 2018, confirmed by the spiral cloud that emits from the craft. Book was right again. Some Magell ships seen at Popocatepetl.
36: Dries claimed to "reveal themselves" publicly in 2020. Same year as the USAF UFO video declassification. Possibly seen over Colorado and Nebraska in 2020. Book was right again. Pattern established.
37: Elffaf spotted 2007, 2008, 2019, Costa Rica. Pattern continued.
38: Kalenia spotted at Iceland volcano by Sky News, 2010. Possibly Bardabunga in 2014. Book is scarily accurate.
39: Invisibles "sighted" in Las Vegas. Hard to see the light warping, but the shapes are there. Looks like the stealth powerup from Halo.
40: Airk still possibly visiting Brittania. Seen 2011 during a news broadcast in broad daylight. Spotted by a band in London, 2020. Not the only race visiting Brittania.
41: Afim ball ships spotted everywhere. Hard to pinpoint. Hundreds of "spherical" ufo sightings from every corner of the world.
42: Tengri-Tengri repeatedly spotted in Argentina. 2008, 2009, 2011, 2015, 2018, 2020.
43: Not a "coverup" in the sense that most things are coverups. Post WW2 compartmentalization, classification and dispersal of need-to-know information.
44: Eisenhower/Churchill established SILK. Alfredo Baldomir Ferrari led the task force.
45: Aztec crash is real. Crater on 2545 possibly the site. Heard a first-hand account years ago from one of the old timers. Didn't know there was a cover-up theory around it.
46: Plasma scar from Grand Canyon West to Page.
47: Pastora Peak and south, massive plasma scarred contusions
48: Why do we build roads on the scars?
49: Tyrrhenian Sea triangle
50: 856BCE Assyrian Empire conquest coincides with alleged Slaviae/Snake battle. Most of Rus is collaged together, indicating a full manual construction of the satellite view.
51: 14.660839, 168.972787 censored on MS Satellite and Google Earth.
52: Google Earth Antarctica is not real. Follow the black areas. You'll see the cut/paste line, and some brush stroke smears. Bing Satellite view has entire center censored. Borders don't line up either. Terra Del Fvego?
53: Alan Watts UFO Visitation is an interesting read. More council mentions. 9 instead of 5, now presumed to be 6 by some. Pre-dates modern perspectives of the pyramids and Sumer. Credibility questionable, lot of woo stuff, but a lot of physics and documents as well. Some parallels to Santori's races book. Mentions of Cigar and Sphere-shaped craft. Some shared imagery, though Santori's book has some higher quality and lower quality things. Adds more questions.
54: Definitely landed on Luna. But what we were allowed to film and show to the public was probably guided. Given "permission" to do some things, as it were. Introduce interplanetary physics, show that human space travel was possible, and show that our technology still works under such drastically different conditions.
55: Diversion tactics of copilot spread far and wide. Constant lies, misdirection and links to political fact checkers instead of real sources. Refuses to provide raw data when I question some things. Told me it couldn't give me a link to the public NASA archive because it can only access public archives. One statement later, it gave me a link to the archive I wanted while still claiming that it couldn't access the public archive because it can only access public archives.
55: Every arrow points to the re-unification of information. Things were split up for a long time, eventually divided so far that the transmission of information was lost. At some point, gradual crawling toward the unification of information will have taken too long, so we need more sudden bursts of heavy information to keep us advancing.
56: We're primitive. Not because we fight, but because our weapons destroy so much for sideways logic. Human killing human to save humanity. Paradoxical.
56: Peering Through Titan's Haze - NASA Science Hilariously bad censor blocks. Not even trying to hide it anymore.
57: Cryptoterrestrial. Load of hooey. Living anywhere on or in Terra? Terrestrial. Not living on Terra? Exoterrestrial.
58: Project 1794. Probably named for John Dalton's work. 1794 was a crazy ass year for war, and his science is like some peace in a hurricane.
59: The craziest thing about the armchair detective agencies online is their insistence in having absolute say over what is deemed to be reality. Bet they've spent an equal %1 of time actually researching things and working on useful skills to analyze things. Rest of the margin is commenting "fake" on everything they see, unless it's an unobservable shiny dot. Then they're like "oh yeah that's obviously real."
60: Lmao PIA26100_modest.jpg (769×433) (nasa.gov) The black zone lines up with ancient maps of the north arctic landmasses, but I appreciate them only partially trying to hide it.
61: Codex Seraphinianus. 369 pages long. Written in great detail, drawn in great detail. Has math the likes of which we have never seen before. Shares symbols with the Rohonc codex, written in a more cursive script. Official story is that it's fake, written in a fake language. Unlikely. So unlikely that it's laughable. Luigi Serafini, machine builder, architect, designer, artist. Mathematician. Wrote and illustrated a 369-page manuscript in a language that he designed for no reason? Illustrated every portion of the book in great detail? It's trippy, but far too in-depth to be some kind of art project that never contributed anything to the artist's reputation or career. Motive? None. Guy made money on other stuff. This book didn't. Luigi said he "had" to write it and that he was in a trance. Page 316, magnetic head device with a tuning antenna. Codex Seraphinianus : Luigi Serafini : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
62: 300 square miles of land without snow beyond the ice wall. Lakes, mountains, warmth. Terra Del Fvego.
63: If every space fairing civilization wanted us extinct, we would be extinct. Safe to assume we've got friends out there.
64: UFO Casebook has been scrubbed of a lot of 2013 info. Wayback machine shows tons of 2013 activity. Current live version of the site erased the year. Lot of crazy shit about 2013. Lab grown ear. Pope resigns. Arms trade treaty. Boston marathon bombing. Snowden disclosure. Massive earthquakes and tsunamis. Overthrow of Egypt. One of the craziest years of this century.
65: Five eyes. ANZUS. AUKUS. AUSCANNZUKUS. ABCANZ. CANZUK. Lot of separate alliances for just five countries. Get a look at the ANZUS logo. ANZUS
66: Blue and green people. Alchemists or blue skin? Pict Kyanite/Charcoal or blue skin? Krishna, Shiva, Vishnu, Quetzalcoatl, Amun, Thoth, Osiris, all blue or green.
67: Sun's magnetic field is due to flip. Last time it happened was 2013. Surprise? No. Expecting to see more land phenomena like earthquakes or tsunamis or something. Already been a lot of that this year. Just got hit by two geomagnetic storms back-to-back so it's probably already been happening. This year alone; Earthquakes, landslides, tornadoes, volcano eruption, floods, etc.
68: ANZUS logo. DARPA logo. Freemason logo. Facebook hoodie symbol. Uncanny similarity to the Council of Five logo.
69: If there is a conspiracy, we've got it completely wrong, and we always have.
70: Symbols from Rohonc Codex and Seraphinianus found in Most Holy Trinosophia pages.
71: Cloud upon the sanctuary sounds like an anti-protest propaganda piece.
72: White rabbit spotted.
People are one-dimensional. They believe the other species either have to be good or bad, and that there can't be a mix of many things. We're talking about thousands of species, so you can bet your ass they're all differently motivated. They aren't all good, and they aren't all bad. Here's a multi-dimensional outlook on the situation.
The personality types of various species:
1. There are those who love humanity and would do whatever they can to protect it
2. There are those who hate humanity and would do whatever they can to destroy it
3. There are those who are slaves of others who don't really think for themselves
4. There are many that do not care about us at all, and our planet is merely a checkpoint
5. There are many who visit to study Earth creatures for encyclopedias
6. There are some cartographers who come to Earth just briefly to add it to their maps
7. There are some that use Earth creatures for food
8. There are some who's entire existence is dedicated to helping other civilizations advance
9. There are some who come for the natural resources and ignore the creatures
10. There are a few who are at our same level of development or earlier
11. There are a few with precise motives that we do not understand
12. There are a few who would use us as weapons to fight their own wars
13. There are those who accidentally come here and stay briefly to observe
14. There are those who stay permanently to aid in various government/institute affairs
15. There are those who live inside of Earth, from whom we inherited the surface
16. There are those who find us entertaining, and observe for entertainment
17. There are those who take celebrity roles because they enjoy the love from large groups
18. There are those who take celebrity roles because they want to control large groups
19. There are some who come for the human drugs and pleasures
20. There are cohabitants of the surface that remain in hiding because we are the giants
21. There are thousands of species who have never been here.
The two that have historically been anti-human are Maitre and Reptiles.
Those who first interfered in our DNA structure were the Anunnaki
Zeta Reticuli is not Solipsi Rai is not Emerther is not Maitre. Similar descriptive features, but different species.
The Peru alien mummies appear to be different species. The small ones are Lang. The big one looks like a Zeta.
Elongated skull people of the ancient world are hybrid zeta-human. Shown mating in hieroglyphs.
The ancient blue "Gods" may have been Dries or may have been something else.
If you're ever in a severely disadvantaged war, you want the Afim on your side.
Nibiru isn't going to collide with Earth and when it enters range, it won't cause cataclysmic devastation.
The species who actually care about us are right to make sure we evolve naturally, otherwise we would be dangerous. If we evolved too fast without understanding the things we use, we could be dangerous to other species who are less or equally developed.